Header image for raco is Racket’s Package Management System (among other things …)

raco is Racket’s Package Management System (among other things …)

In the Racket programming language, raco is a command-line tool used to interact with Racket's package management system, run tests, build documentation, and perform other tasks related to Racket development. It's a versatile utility that automates various tasks in Racket projects.

Header image for Working through SICP in Jupyter Notebooks

Working through SICP in Jupyter Notebooks

I’m reading Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs and want to write Racket in VSCode in Jupyter notebooks in a dialect of Scheme closest to the book. This requires this declaration at the top of each Racket file:

Header image for Writing Racket (Scheme) in Jupyter Notebooks

Writing Racket (Scheme) in Jupyter Notebooks

First, we’re going to install Jupyter. As we don’t want to contaminate our global Python installation, we’ll do this in a venv

Header image for Debugging Python programs that require CLI arguments in VSCode

Debugging Python programs that require CLI arguments in VSCode

Command Palette (CTRL+SHIFT+P): Debug: Add Configuration

Header image for Debugging Python Tests in VSCode

Debugging Python Tests in VSCode

VSCode offers native test capabilities that are quite useful. Testing Python in Visual Studio Code

Header image for Suppressing Rich Tracebacks in Typer Apps

Suppressing Rich Tracebacks in Typer Apps

This must be applied to the configuration of the Typer object created for the CLI.

Header image for Uninstalling Poetry Completions for zsh

Uninstalling Poetry Completions for zsh

Here’s how to enable: https://python-poetry.org/docs/#enable-tab-completion-for-bash-fish-or-zsh

Header image for Ubuntu Snaps in WSL & zsh

Ubuntu Snaps in WSL & zsh

What on earth are “Snaps”?

Header image for Running Google Chrome GUI in WSL

Running Google Chrome GUI in WSL

This was working for me a while ago but today, when I tried, it was not.

Header image for Comments are Failures in Coding

Comments are Failures in Coding

“The proper use of comments is to compensate for our failure to express ourselves in code.” — Robert C. Martin, Clean Code