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Writing Racket (Scheme) in Jupyter Notebooks

Writing Racket (Scheme) in Jupyter Notebooks

First, we’re going to install Jupyter. As we don’t want to contaminate our global Python installation, we’ll do this in a venv

python -m venv venv

Now, let’s activate that bad boy:

source ./venv/bin/activate

Assuming you have Racket installed (see previous TIL — NB do not install via the Snap store … use apt!), install the Racket kernel for Jupyter:

raco pkg install iracket

Should your system complain about not having libzmq5 installed:

sudo apt install libzmq5

Then, install the Racket kernel into Jupyter:

raco iracket install

Then, confirm that Jupyter sees the Racket kernel:

 jupyter kernelspec list
Available kernels:
  python3    /home/captivus/projects/sicp/venv/share/jupyter/kernels/python3
  racket     /home/captivus/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/racket

Now … we create a new Jupyter notebook in VSCode using the Command Palette:

Command Palette New Jupyter Notebook.png

In the top right of the notebook, select the kernel (it won’t say Racket when you start):

Jupyter Notebook Select Kernel.png

You’ll be presented with these options:

Jupyter Kernel Options.png

Select “Jupyter Kernel”, then select “Racket”:

Jupyter Notebook Select Racket.png

… and you’re up!