Header image for Installing Racket (Scheme) in WSL

Installing Racket (Scheme) in WSL

We’ll install Racket from apt as follows, as the snap version ended up with many hassles

Header image for raco is Racket’s Package Management System (among other things …)

raco is Racket’s Package Management System (among other things …)

In the Racket programming language, raco is a command-line tool used to interact with Racket's package management system, run tests, build documentation, and perform other tasks related to Racket development. It's a versatile utility that automates various tasks in Racket projects.

Header image for Writing Racket (Scheme) in Jupyter Notebooks

Writing Racket (Scheme) in Jupyter Notebooks

First, we’re going to install Jupyter. As we don’t want to contaminate our global Python installation, we’ll do this in a venv